As you probably remember the back of my car went up by approximately 4cm. This mean my headlights needed adjustment.
It is very easy to do as long as you will follow my tips.
You have exactly know what it the difference in height of your car after changing coils/shocks.
Then you will have to measure exact distance from the center of your front wheel and mark it on the ground. The distance is basically a wheelbase of your car. Grand Scenic MK2 has 2736mm so let say 274cm.
As you can see on the picture i put yellow axis going thorough wheel axis and wheel centres. Also 1 line coming from headlight.
Red lines showed how the axis have changed after back of the car lifted up. I focused on two points - centers of the wheels as both of them are static points to the ground.
Now, if the back of the car had been lifted up by 4 cm this mean the headlight or actually stream of light went down by the same at wheelbase distance from the front wheel (2 red arrows represent it).
Mark the light level on a stick (or as I did on a wheelie bin) at the distance from the center of the front wheel equal to wheelbase an then adjust the headlight up by 4cm.
You want to have that red arrow coming from headlight to be position or the yellow one represents correct level of light stream.
It may sound complicated, however it is very simply but required a proper measuring.
Adjusting screw